
大学国情咨文:感谢 & 感激

2020年11月1日 - 8分钟阅读


欧文康考迪亚大学 President Michael 托马斯。 delivered the 大学概况 Address to the Concordia community on October 7, 2020. 演讲节选并编辑如下. 点击这里观看完整的演讲.

首先我要感谢所有的辛勤工作, 牺牲, 信任, 共享的社区精神, and corporate faith that the 欧文康考迪亚大学 community has demonstrated over these last six months. 我怀着感激和感恩的心情这样做! 

In March, 教师 converted all their face-to face courses to online in just five days. Staff supported this transition and helped pave the way for students to vacate campus. 的 students pivoted and extended grace to all as we wrestled with the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. 在这中间的六个月里, 教师们以三种方式开设课程, 等待决定. 工作人员以类似的方式努力工作,为远程校园做准备, 混合动力, 或者与学生面对面的交流. 学生们用类似的方式准备自己. 这都是辛苦的工作.  

许多人做出了许多牺牲. 自3月份以来,不间断的计划和执行是有代价的. 教职员工都累了, 你是否为了额外的工作牺牲了自己的时间, 和金钱, 包括极度痛苦的减薪, 许多人告别了长期的朋友和同事. 

我们将成为西部首屈一指的路德教会大学. 这就是地平线. 这个愿景激励着我.

学生们也做出了牺牲. 他们想要一个正常的学年. 有些是在校园里,但它是不同的. 有些人仍然呆在家里,但这太熟悉了. Some have lost their part-time jobs; others are missing friends who are not on campus; still others are feeling the true effects of Zoom fatigue. 学生, 感谢您遵守COVID协议, 面罩, 社会距离, 校园活动有限. And to those students who are at home, thank you for 信任ing us with your education. 只要你愿意,只要我们有能力,我们很高兴欢迎你的到来! 

然而,今年也有一些亮点. 看着这支球队,这个家庭走到一起真是太棒了. 教职员工挺身而出,为学生和他们的家人提供支持. 当我们再次开始教学时,学生们鼓舞了我们的精神, 无论是当面还是通过屏幕. 

谢谢大家! 你们每一个学生, 教师, 工作人员, 院长, 领导委员会, 内阁, 评议, 受托人, 捐助者和其他人. I want you to know that the students and their families appreciate all that we’ve done to try to make this year as normal as possible. 


我想看看远处的地平线. 但就像任何旅程一样,我们从现在开始. 我们有很多要感谢的. 感恩的原因有很多! 这些都是我们所有人的成就. 说到底,康考迪亚大学欧文分校以人为本. 这是关于我们所服务的学生和校友, 关于我们为他们服务, 以及他们在社区和世界上为谁服务.


截至今天,有600名学生住在 学生宿舍约占总入住率的60%. Very few universities in California have opened their 学生宿舍 to this extent, but we heard a clear message from students and families that they wanted this opportunity, 我们有信心,我们的重新开放计划将使我们安全地做到这一点. 我要特别感谢大学服务处, 祝你有个好胃口, 爱玛客, 住房和居住生活, 同侪辅导协调员, 同侪辅导领袖, 拉, 运动教练等等,让搬进来的周末成为一件了不起的事情.

入学人数逐年上升, 学术课程引人入胜,进展顺利, COVID感染非常低, 运动队正在练习, 精神生活欣欣向荣, campus improvements continue to enhance the physical beauty and functionality for students, 朋友和捐赠者继续为我们的使命投入他们的时间和金钱, 目前财政稳定. 上帝对我们共同努力的祝福超出了我们的想象!


的 on-ground task force charged with drafting the protocols necessary to reopen campus worked extensively with the Orange County Healthcare Agency to make certain our COVID-19 mitigation, 测试, 跟踪, 隔离, 隔离措施是按照州和县的规定进行的. 康考迪亚大学欧文分校创造了 公共仪表板 它提供了有关病例的最新信息. 欧文康考迪亚大学 to date has mitigated the spread of this virus to very few cases. 一旦出现病例,我们会立即实施缓解措施. 的 speed of action is greatly helped because 欧文康考迪亚大学 purchased a rapid 测试 machine that provides results in approximately 15 minutes. A special note of appreciation needs to be offered to the on-ground task force chaired by Tim Odle. 特别感谢米歇尔·拉布斯和她的工作人员 健康中心 以及所有学生事务处的工作人员, 包括rd和ra, 还有所有的教练, 谁站在减排的第一线.


体育主任, 工作人员 and coaches were instrumental in helping to bring in freshman and transfers for Fall 2020 and assisting the residence hall 工作人员 in assigning athletes to rooms to mitigate spread of the virus. 运动队已经开始练习,有的以团队形式进行,有的以较小的小组形式进行. 所有秋季的体育比赛都被推迟到春季. 我们希望崔田径能够参加春季比赛, 尽管太平洋西部赛区仍有许多挑战, 日程安排等. 另外, running 20 sports simultaneously at six on-campus and ten off-campus facilities will require many 教师 and 工作人员 from 欧文康考迪亚大学 to volunteer for game management to assist 正规赌博十大平台排行.


昆顿·安德森牧师和他的团队正在制作优秀的 教堂服务 每周四天直播,可按需观看. Our CUI Source communion service (Tuesday evenings in the CU Center) and our Shout devotional service (Thursday evenings in the amphitheater) are meeting in-person with appropriate Covid-19 modifications. 小组会议, 学生事工的领袖们在这个充满挑战的时代做得很好.


设施组在装修方面做得非常出色 创始人霍尔. 两个室内实验室和一个研究设施得到全面翻新, 一个新的室外科学实验室也建成了. 六个住宿学生休息室, 上下股四头肌都有, 已经翻新(尽管由于限制,他们仍然没有开放). 与学生事务处合作, outdoor furniture was purchased for students in the 学生宿舍 to enable them to observe 社会距离 and to take advantage of the southern California weather. 就在上周, 九洞飞盘高尔夫球场 被安装在校园里.


信心前进 campaign continues to exceed all expectations climbing now to nearly $95 million ($85 million campaign goal). 非常感谢大学进步队. 欧文康考迪亚大学 continues to build relationships with friends of the University and is continuing to build new relationships throughout southern California. I look forward to our chance to celebrate these amazing accomplishments in the new year.


COVID-19的感染率和传播, 州和县的指导不明确或摇摆不定, student and family anxiety and so on continue to make the 2020-2021 academic year difficult in terms of budget planning. 你们很多人都知道, we undertook a $5 million budget alignment in the late spring and planned for numerous contingencies and drafted various matching financial scenarios that have ranged from $4-$16 million in additional deficits.

然而, 拥有强劲的入学率, 60%的学生宿舍入住率, 感染率极低, 严格的预算程序, 接收各种遗产礼物, 还有那些非常痛苦的伤口, 目前的财务预测看起来比预期的要好得多. But uncertainty still governs our planning processes as we continue to work through the fall semester and look to the spring while endeavoring to end the year with limited deficits.

这就是我们过去和现在所处的位置. 我们有很多要感谢的!



全体教员和校董会刚刚批准了一名新的本科生 工学学士 2021年秋季. 我最近还与奥比斯教育签署了一份谅解备忘录, 共享服务合作伙伴, 这将使我们能够发射一个卫星校园,提供我们的 ABSN 在洛杉矶和其他地方获得学位. CUI’s 护理 教师 will maintain full control of the academic curriculum and the hiring of 教师. 

的增长 汤森研究所 继续加速发展. 我很自豪地宣布,会计双文科副学士, 与浙江金融学院(中国)合作开设, 今年10月招收了第一批学生.


和我一起梦想一下,让我们想想未来的2年、5年和10年. I believe 欧文康考迪亚大学 will become the premier Lutheran University of the West. 我为什么要提出这么大胆的想法? 我们在欧文的康考迪亚大学有很特别的东西. We are faithfully committed to our Christian mission to be the Great Commission University. We will continue to share the hope that is within us with each and every student we teach. 今天,世界迫切需要这种希望.

I visualize Concordia University as a comprehensive Lutheran university that is part of a 500-year-old tradition of educational excellence. I also see 欧文康考迪亚大学 as an essential ministry of the Lutheran Church of our region and offering so much of importance that is not otherwise available to congregations and parishioners. 我们是骄傲的路德教徒, 致力于将文科与专业研究相结合, 让所有学生, 不顾自己的信仰承诺, 把他们的日常活动理解为神圣的, 职业行为, and committed to engaging faithfully in that exciting and challenging arena where church meets culture. This has always been our past; and this will be our future!

我们将成为西部首屈一指的路德教会大学. 这就是地平线. 我们将作为一个整体,在未来的几个月和几年里共同规划道路. 这个愿景激励着我. 我希望它也能激励你们每一个人.

May the Lord bless each of us in the coming months as we live out our callings 在欧文的康考迪亚大学!
